About Me

I'm a second year mathematics PhD student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where I am advised by Professor Saverio Spagnolie

My research lies within fluid dynamics, specifically fluid-structure interactions and active suspensions. More broadly, I’m interested in computational fluid dynamics, numerical methods, and high-performance computing.

I also did my undergraduate studies at UW-Madison with majors in applied mathematics and computer science. Before focusing on applied mathematics I was interested in cybersecurity and software engineering, and completed cybersecurity internships in the finance industry and at Crowdstrike.

Outside of my studies and research I enjoy playing (and listening to lots of) music as a guitarist and drummer, and distance running in Madison, WI.

This blog serves as an informal outlet for my thoughts on music, math, art, literature, and other things.

Email: cgrote@math.wisc.edu
Address: Department of Mathematics,
                480 Lincoln Drive
                213 Van Vleck Hall
                Madison, WI 53706